Room-By-Room Challenge Part 4

We are excited to continue our
Room-By-Room Challenge! We are addressing each room in your home to help you create the home you love to be in!
The next room we are tackling is kid's bedrooms! We are starting with closets, and Part 4 will cover organizing tips for this space. Stay tuned for design tips in the next post!!
Kid's closets can be a frustration for many parents. We hope to inspire you to take this on and transform it into a functional space for your child.
Step 1: Clean and Edit!
This is no surprise that this is the first step. Remove everything from the closet. Start sorting items into piles:
Clothes- Too small, just right and too big
Toys- Do they still play with it or does it need to go
Memorabilia/Collections- Combine like items together, can some of these pieces be stored in another area
School items/Books- Combine like items together. Edit any items that your child no longer needs
Step 2: All Done Editing!
When finished sorting items into piles take anything that doesn't fit, they don't play with or they no longer need and decide if it can be sold or donated!
Side Note: You can determine if this is better to do with our without the kiddos around!
Step 3: Organize it up!
Now that everything is sorted, and you know what is staying in the space, you can determine how much room you need to store each item. Here are a few ideas on how to organize the items in your closet.

We like using clear storage for kids items. This helps for them to find items quickly and more importantly helps with quick clean-up!!
Need more details?! We have you covered! Check out this YouTube video with Ashley and her son as they talk ALL about kid's closets!
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