As we move towards the final stages of our pole building remodel we start to cover the walls with paint, barn wood and tin. We really liked the idea of covering a portion of the walls with galvanized tin. The problem was we only had 1 sheet that had the aged look we wanted. The wall we were putting it on would require 3 sheets total. SO, what to do next...
We bought 2 nice new polished pieces of tin...

Then I did what most DIY'ers to and consulted Pinterest. After doing a little research I decided to go with the 2 most popular methods to age the tin.
1. Lysol toilet bowl cleaner
2. Vinegar

I used the Lysol toilet bowl cleaner first and applied it in various methods based on the advice I read on Pinterest. After I rinsed that off I poured vinegar on it next. And let it sit. The more liberally you apply these items the better reaction you will get. I felt that I got the best results where the chemicals pooled on the tin.
Next the tin need to be roughed up a bit. My son had fun helping me with this step!

I'm really happy with how they turned out. The gloss of the tin is gone and they blend in great with the naturally aged piece.

Another look of the tin on the wall. We are one step closer to finishing our project, hope to be loading in soon!